Q. パラオを訪れるのに最適な季節はいつですか?A.パラオの季節は乾季の10月から5月と雨季の6月から9月に分かれています。雨季は雨が多いですが、パラオの自然は雨季ならではの風景が広がっている場所もあり、訪れるみなさんを楽しませてくれます。
カヤックツアー(手漕ぎ) 半日ツアー:4才以上 、 1日ツアー:6才以上(小学生以上)
モーターカヌーツアー(動力付)  1才以上
ボートツアー(動力付) 1才以上
Q.When is the best season to visit Palau?Palau has 2 seasons dry season (from Oct. to May) and rainy season (from Jun. to Sep.). Even in rainy season, you can experience typical Palau and make all visitors enjoyable.
Q.Can I join only by myself?Most of tours are operated minimum from 2 customers. However, if other customers register the tour, even one customer, you can join with that tour. Firstly, please ask for vacancy.
Q.My child is still small. Can I take him with me for tour?We do not have age limitation for the tour. Also, we have lifejacket for small child. Our guides surely make attention for small child. However, be careful for seasickness of your child and always take care your child.
Q.What is the Permit?Permit’s aim is to protect our precious nature. All visitors who attend tours which are held in ocean are required the Permit. The Permit fee is used for conservation of Palau nature.
Q.What should I wear for tour?All of Antelope tours are aimed to enjoy ocean. So that you need to get on the boat. Therefore, we offer you to wear bathing suit attire. Also, to protect yourself from rain, it is better to bring long sleeves.
Q.What time for check-in and check-out?A.Check-in from 3:00PM and check-out is 12:00 noon.
Q.Can I use credit card?A.Yes, you can use VISA, Master, Dinersclub, JCB
We do not take AMEX
Q.My flight is in mid night. Until what time can I use my room?A.Please reserve as you stay for 1 more night so that you can use the room until your departure.
Q.My flight is mid night one. Could you send me to the airport?A.Yes, please tell us the flight number so that our staff will pick up and send you to the airport.
Q.How long does it take from the airport? How can I access to the airport?If you use the car, it takes about 30 minutes. We recommend you to use Antelope airport transfer.
It is hard to get taxi in Palau to access to the hotels, therefore it is much better to reserve transportation from the airport.